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Dear Ramona Families,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ramona Elementary staff is currently working from home. One-on-one counseling sessions and groups have been temporarily discontinued; however our school counselor Miss Deszcz is still available to support students and families. Please visit Miss Deszcz's Google Classroom page for  social-emotional resources and optional assignments. Simply have your student log into his/her HUSD Google account and click on Google Classroom. You will be required to enter a class code. Miss Deszcz's class code is w7lorx3. A daily emotional check in form can be found on the Google Classroom page or completed by clicking here


Currently, Miss Deszcz may be reached by e-mail at or by leaving a voicemail at (951) 765-6170 ext 147. Voicemails and e-mails will be returned within 24 hours. Current COVID-19 quarantine office hours are: Monday- Friday 8:00-9:00 am.


For academic resources, please visit HUSD's virtual learning page at


For family tips and activities for dealing with the COVID-19 crisis, please visit


If you or a loved one is having a mental health emergency, please call 911. 



Counseling Services at a Glance

  • Friendship Groups

  • Study Skills Workshops

  • Parent/ Teacher consultation

  • Conflict Mediations

  • Individual Counseling

  • Academic Counseling

  • Emotion Management

  • Goal Setting

  • Facebook Social Icon
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  • Google+ Social Icon
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